
GD Pharmaceuticals, the Boroline People, felicitated Dr. Prasanta Banerji with the Suthol Pathikrit Samman 2015, along with Dr. Apurba Ghosh and Smt. Alokananda Roy- 'men and women who, with their spirit of leadership, empathy and dedication, have lit the lamps in the hearts of thousands whose lives they have touched.'
Dr. Banerji received tha award as a pathikrit (pioneer) 'for his internationally acclaimed, pioneering research work to cure cancer, for revolutionising homeopathy through his Banerji Protocols, for his extraordinary passion for work and love for his patients.'
To view the tribute video on Dr. Prasanta Banerji created by GD Pharmaceuticals, click here.
To know more about Suthol Pathikrit Samman, click here.
- Category: Events
Print Coverage of the Event
Online Coverage of the Event
Portal: Press Trust of India
Portal: Pro Kerala
Portal: Business Standard
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Portal: India Blooms
Portal: United News of India
Portal: Economic Times_Healthworld
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- Parent Category: Events
- Category: The Legacy to Humanity: Celebrating 150 years of Homeopathy

"...It is heartening to note that the Dr. Prasanta Banerhi Homepathic Research Foundation is involved in active research. It accrues data about various life threatening diseases like cancer and renal failures from the tretament it administers using The Banerji Protocols. Over 40,000 cases with one lakh recorded visits provide this research body an impressive patient database to refine their healing procedures.
An international collaborative research consortium formed by the Foundation in 2012 has expanded the scope of appliction of The Banerji Protocols. I am sure that with more advanced research backed by robust data this Research Foundation would further strengthen homoeopathy as an effective alternative system for a host of diseases. I wish the Foundation Godspeed in its endeavours..."
The complete speech is available at the following link:
- Parent Category: Events
- Category: The Legacy to Humanity: Celebrating 150 years of Homeopathy

The President of India, Hon'ble Shri Pranab Mukherjee was present at the function of the 'Legacy to Humanity: Celebrating 150 Years of Homeopathy' organised by the Dr. Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation at Kolkata in West Bengal on August 22, 2016. Hon'ble Shri Keshari Nath Tripathi, The Governor of West Bengal, was the Guest of Honour. Smt. Shashi Panja, Hob'ble Minister of State, Health and Family Welfare, Dept of Women and Child Development and Social Welfare, Government of West Bengal, was also present at the event.
Link to online photo gallery of Hon'ble Sri Pranab Mukherjee
- Parent Category: Events
- Category: The Legacy to Humanity: Celebrating 150 years of Homeopathy

We are pleased to inform you that the event entitled 'The Legacy to Humanity: Celebrating 150 years of Homeopathy', previously scheduled on 27th June, 2016 has been rescheduled on the 22nd of August, 2016, at 7:00 p.m at Nazrul Manch, Kolkata.
We are thrilled that Hon'ble Shri Pranab Mukherjee, The President of India, has graciously consented to be the Chief Guest and Hon'ble Shri Keshari Nath Tripathi, The Governor of West Bengal, has also consented to be the Guest of Honor.
The programme had to be cancelled earlier due to unavoidable Presidential protocols.
- Parent Category: Events
- Category: The Saga Of Neo Homeopathy

'The Saga of Neo Homeopathy' opened on the 20th of August, 2015 and continued till 23rd of August ,2015 at the Birla Academy of Art & Culture, 108, Southern Avenue, Lake Gardens,Kolkata. His Excellency The Governor of West Bengal, Sri Keshari Nath Tripathi graciously inaugurated this exhibition as Chief Guest. Dignitaries from all walks of life were present at the event.
- Parent Category: Events
- Category: The Saga Of Neo Homeopathy
Read more: The Saga Of Neo Homeopathy - The Event Photo Gallery
The complete exhibition entitled 'The Saga of Neo Homeopathy' is presented here for our patrons, collaborators and friends worldwide. We thank you all for being part of this illuminating journey.
- Parent Category: Events
- Category: The Saga Of Neo Homeopathy

We are celebrating 150 years of the introduction of Homeopathy into the Banerji family of Birsingha, Mihijam and subsequently of Kolkata, India.
The story began with Pandit Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar (Banerji) and his youngest brother, Ishanchandra, and was taken forward by Preshnath, Ishanchandra's son who is better known as Dr. P Banerji of Mihijam. Pareshnath's son Prasanta, and his son, Pratip are still carrying on the legacy and working towards giving Homeopathy a scientific acceptance internationally.
To celebrate this occasion, we organised a photo exhibition on Thursday, 20th of August 2015, at Birla Academy of Art & Culture, 108, Southern Avenue, Lake Gardens,Kolkata- 700029. His Excellency The Governor of West Bengal, Sri Keshari Nath Tripathi graciously inaugurated this exhibition as Chief Guest.
The exhibition was open for all from 3 8 p.m., from Friday 21st August, 2015 to Sunday 23rd August, 2015.
We would be posting the galleries online soon.
Reviews/News on various media on the exhibition:
Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation hosts photography exhibition in Kolkata
Ishwar Chandra Vidysagar's tryst with homeopathy in photos
Homoeo cure for cancer eyes recognition
Long-lost diary hints at Vidyasagar's tryst with homoeopathy
- Parent Category: Events
- Category: The Saga Of Neo Homeopathy
The Celebration of completing 50 years of the PBHRF Clinic.
- Parent Category: Events
- Category: Golden Jubilee Celebration