Cancer & The Banerji Protocols

Our Experience with Cancer
Average patient turnout of 1000 to 1200 a day gives us a clear perspective as to disease and treatment trends in the populations.
An average of 10 to 15% ie. 120 to 200 cancer cases a day, of our patient turnout, suffering from this dreaded disease has helped us to formulate set protocols for their treatment.
In our clinics we are privileged to see and treat every type of cancer and in every stage of the disease.
We even get patients who come to us to get relief from the various side-effects of conventional chemotherapy and radiation.
The main objective we follow while taking on the treatment of such cases is to provide them with a better Quality of Life (QoL).
The 'Banerji Protocols' are designed taking into account the diagnosis as well as the various complaints being suffered by the patients. We give a basic set of medicines to treat each cancer type and thereafter considering the accessory symptoms have preset first, second and third line medicines to give palliative relief to the suffering.
Patients from more than 70 countries at present follow the Banerji Protocol through website seeking online medical advice and treatment.
- Category: Cancer & The Banerji Protocols
Ever since we have been invited to most major conferences, and we have submitted and published various papers in peer reviewed scientific journals.

Meeting at MDACC

Dr. Prasanta Banerji with Dr. John Mendelsohn, chief of the MDACC

With Dr. Razelle Kurzrock & Dr. Siqing Fu of the MDACC
A grant application in collaboration with the UTMDACC has been submitted to the NCI, for this purpose.
Similarly projects are under way with the University of San Diego in California; the University of Columbia in New York; the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City; the VA Medical Center in Kansas City and The Center for Integrative Complementary Medicine, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Category: Cancer & The Banerji Protocols

Cancer Support Team From Spain At The PBHRF Clinic

Cancer Support Team From Spain At The PBHRF Clinic

Dr. Pratip Banjeri with representatives from Boiron

Dr. Pratip Banjeri with representatives from Boiron

Dr. Pratip Banjeri with representatives from Boiron

Dr. Banerjis at a conference in Spain

Classical Homeopaths Attending A Conference At Spain
- Category: Cancer & The Banerji Protocols

Dr. Paz Ojeda Martin and Dr. Claudina Vidal Gutierrez from Spain visited PBHRF in 2012

Flower Remedy Therapist Gerald Tilke visits PBHRF, 2012

Joette Calabrese, Classical Homeopathy practitionar from the USA, visited PBHRF and spent time at the clinics for several days in 2012 to understand about the treatment procedure with the Banerji Protocols

Dr. Elena R. Ladas and Dr. Kara M. Kelly from Columbia University met Brain Tumor patients at PBHRF clinic in Kolkata

Dr. Jeffrey D. White met cancer patients at the PBHRF clinic in Kolkata

Dr. Barbara Sarter and Dr Prasanta Banerji at the PBHRF clinic with patients
- Category: Cancer & The Banerji Protocols

Our Data Centre
At present our patient database running on customized software on Oracle and MS Visual Basic has more than 27,000 cases inputted with over a half a million visits recorded. This data is the epicenter of the PBHRF and makes us attractive for research to the premiere institutions throughout the world. This is an ongoing research initiative that has been on since 2002.
- Category: Cancer & The Banerji Protocols