Lung Cancer
Uncontrolled cell growth in the tissues of the lung leads to lung cancer. Lung cancer can spread to others parts of the body if left untreated. Long term exposure to tobacco smoke is (general belief) the prime cause of lung cancer. Other causes include exposure to Radon gas, Asbestos and genetic factors. The major symptoms of lung cancer are shortness of breath, coughing up blood, chest pain, hoarse voice and weight loss. Lung cancer is responsible for most cancer related death in men and women worldwide.
But our observation, majority patients suffering from Lung cancer are non smokers.
Recently, we conducted Kaplan-Meier survival analysis curves for our cases of lung cancer treated by the Banerji Protocol exclusively. We compiled our data on lung cancer treated at PBHRF over a 10 year period. Our patients are prescribed only the Banerji Protocols and no other intervention. The average follow-up time of 373 patients seen at PBHRF for this cancer was 15 months, ranging from 6 months to 10 years. Results: Specific survival as regards to complete regression, cases that improved and those that achieved status quo, as well as those who aggravated and also to mention those who expired, show the following percentages: 2% of the cases were completely cured with our therapy. 33% were improved, 25% achieved status quo, while 24% were worse, and 16% died. Mean survival time was 83 months. However, we need to prospectively follow our cases so that we do not lose them to follow-up; this has been a challenge in our effort to accurately document our treatment outcomes. We recently have upgraded our electronic medical records system so that we can more easily retrieve our outcome data, and we are also training staff for the role of research coordinator so that patient compliance and follow-up will be improved and tracked more completely.
At PBHRF, we have been treating various stages of lung cancer.

- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Lung Cancer
NM aged 50 years old man came to us on the 24th March 2015 and presented with Chest Pain, Dry Cough with Dyspnoea, since 3 months.
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Lung Cancer
Patient Information
Mr. MKS who was 47 years old and had been ill for 3 months first visited us on the 30th of November 1994 complaining of chest pain with cough and loss of weight though he had no history of any past illnesses.
The initial observations from the Chest X-ray dated 18.11.1994 were "…a well-defined large soft tissue density mediastinal mass in the left upper mediastinum…the lung fields well expanded. Area of consolidation seen in the left upper lobe."

Chest X-ray dated 18.11.1994
C.T. Scan of chest dated 19.11.1994 showed "a 8.0 cm x 6.4 cm well defined soft tissue upper mediastinum in left side…with air space consolidation of adjacent left upper lobe."

C.T. Scan of chest dated 19.11.1994
C.T. Guided FNAC of mediastinal mass dated 24.11.1994 showed "…malignant tumour." The TNM classification of tumour was T (8.0cm x 6.4cm) N1M0 Stage III.

Picture of Histopathology, dated 24.11.1994
>His post treatment observations were asymptomatic and keeping all right. He had no complications during treatment.
It is being concluded that he had bronchogenic carcinoma. Chest X-ray dated 18.11.1994 showed "…a large mediastinal mass with area of consolidation in left upper lobe."
C.T. Guided FNAC done on 24.11.1994 showed "malignant tumour."

Chest X-ray dated 05.07.1995

Chest X-ray dated 09.01.1996

Chest X-ray dated 07.01.1999
During the course of his treatment Chest X-ray’s were done on several occasions, last on 07.01.1999, which showed "…complete regression of mediastinal mass".
Now he is keeping well and leading a normal life.
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Lung Cancer
Patient Information
- Name: Mr. B.M.D
- Age: 70 years
- Sex: Male
- Duration of illness: One month
- Date of first visit: 04.01.1999
- Chief complaints: Recurrent haemoptysis, cough, mild chest pain and breathing trouble.
- Past history if any: Admitted in Nursing Home for severe haemoptysis in December 1998.
Initial observations: Chest X-ray dated on 18.12.1998 shows “…An inhomogeneous alveolar opacity is seen in the right upper lobe with features of fibrosis, which is creating a mediastinal shift to the right and there is presence of cystic opacities at the left base also.
Compensatory emphysema is seen in left lung.
Mild baso-lameller effusion at the left side...”
-Secondary bronchiectatic changes right posterior segment of upper lobe.
-Emphysematous bullous changes both upper lobes.
-Broncho alveolar congestion lateral and posterior basal segment of left lower lobe…”
Bronchial Brushing Cytology Report dated on 26.12.1998 “…Report:- Smears are highly cellular & show clumps of sheets of pleomorphic cells with nuclear hyperchromatism prominent nucleoli & altered N/C ratio.
Suggestive of squamous cell carcinoma...”
BAL fluid for cytology report dated on 26.12.1998: - “…The smears are cellular and contain malignant epithelial cells with marked nuclear pleomorphism, clamped coarse nuclear chromatin, prominent nucleoli & altered nuclear cytoplasmic ratio.
Remarks: - Squamous cell carcinoma...”
TNM classification of tumour: Stage II
Post treatment observations:
Repeat Chest X-ray dated on 29.09.1999 “…radiograph shows that there has been definite improvement in the right upper lobe caseating lesion since his previous X-ray which was taken on 09.09.1999. The right upper lobe remains collapsed. Heart and trachea are displaced to the right due to lobar shrinkage…”
Repeat Chest X-ray dated on 12.01.2000 shows “…since his previous X-ray which was taken on 29.09.1999 there has been no great change in the overall appearances of the right upper lobe lesion. The affected lobe remains collapsed and there is no evidence of any active neoplasm at present. There is nothing to suspect tumour recurrence or spread of lesion in last 4 months…”
Repeat Chest X-ray dated on 02.11.2000 shows “…only scarring is noted in the right upper lobe. The affected lobe is considerably shrunken. Trachea and mediastinum are shifted to the right. Left lung field is emphysematous, but there is no parenchymal lesion in this lung. Radiologically healed neoplasm in the right upper lobe. Appearances remain satisfactory for last 10 months...”
Repeat Chest X-ray dated on 27.06.2001 shows “…Old case of Rt. upper lobe bronchial neoplasm – for assessment.
There has been further improvement in the Rt. upper lobe residual lesion since his previous X-ray dated 02.11.2000. Only scarring is now visible in affected lobe. Trachea and mediastinum are displaced to the Rt., as previously mentioned. Lt. Lung remains clear.
Opinion: Further improvement in the Rt. upper lobe bronchial neoplasm in last 8 months...”
Complication during treatment if any: Nil
Summary: This 70 year old gentleman came to our clinic with complains of recurrent haemoptysis, cough, mild chest pain and breathing trouble. One month before start our homeopathic treatment he had been admitted in a city nursing home for severe haemoptysis and treated conservatively.
Chest X-ray and CT scan showed neoplastic lesion in right upper lobe, biopsy of which revealed squamous cell carcinoma.
After taking our treatment from 04.01.1999, he is feeling better from day to day.
Repeat chest X-ray was done on several occasions and lastly on 27.06.2001, the radiological plate of which shows there is no parenchymal lung lesion.
Presently patient has no trouble and is enjoying a normal life.
Visit dates: 04.01.1999; 29.01.1999; 03.03.1999; 12.03.1999; 21.04.1999; 20.05.1999; 29.06.1999; 30.07.1999; 31.08.1999; 29.09.1999; 05.10.1999; 02.11.1999; 03.01.2000; 13.01.2000; 27.06.2001.
Homeopathic Medicines used :
2. Thuja occidentalis 30c in pill number 40. Two doses daily.
3. Lycopodium Clavatum 30c liquid. One dose = 2 drops in water. Two doses daily.
4. Ferrum Phosphoricum 3X - 1 grain tablets. Given whenever required for haemoptysis.
Modifications in treatment regimen: None
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Lung Cancer
Patient Information
TL, male, aged 59 years as on August 2000. He came to us for his treatment on 17th August, 2000 presenting with cold and cough, occasional dyspnoea, insomnia and angular stomatitis for 3 months.

X-ray dated 30.07.2000
X-Ray Chest P.A. View done on 30th July 2000 showed – “…pneumonitis is present in right lower zone. A fairly big round opacity with internal calcifications suggest Hamartoma.”

CT Scan of chest dated 04.08.2000
C.T. Scan of Thorax done on 4th August 2000 showed, "…Impression; - Solitary pulmonary nodule (measuring 3.59 cms. X 3.56 cms.) posterior basal segment of right lower lobe."
C.T. guided F.N.A.C study from right lung SOL dated 8th August 2000 revealed, "…ADENOCARCINOMA…"
After 4 to 5 months of our medication, the medicines Kali Carbonicum 200c, twice in a week, Thuja Occidentalis 30c, two doses daily, Hepar Sulph 200c, two doses daily, clinically, the patient started feeling much better inspite of having continued mild cold and cough, dyspnoea, insomnia and occasional attacks of recurrent angular stomatitis. Now, since the patient has a good quality of life, all medication has been stopped since the last part of September 2002. Till date, the patient is keeping good health and living a normal active life.

Picture of Histopathology
X- Ray Chest P.A. View done on 28th April 2001 showed – " Comparative study with that of previous skiagram … shows, The opacity in right lower zone remains almost identical."

X-ray dated 28.04.2001
X-Ray Chest P.A. View done on 22nd September 2002 showed…. “ Well defined SOL with sharp regular outline with pop-corn calcifications, at right lower lung field almost identical in appearance in comparison with the previous Radiological plates.”

X-ray dated 22.09.2002
After 1 year without any medication repeat X- Ray Chest P.A. View done on 22nd January 2004 showed “…. Sharp outlined nodular opacity in right lower zone with internal calcifications remains unchanged in appearance in comparison with all previous X-Ray plates.”

X-ray dated 22.01.2004
This is a classic example of a case where the progress of the disease has been halted and inspite of the fact that the lesion has not regressed, this may be said to be a cure because, the medication has been discontinued without any further activity of the lesion even after five year,there were no complications during treatment.
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Lung Cancer
Patient Information
- Name: BM
- Age: 77 years
- Duration of illness: 3 months
- Date of first visit: 12.09.1994
- Chief complaints: Loss of weight, anorexia,nausea, vomiting and chest pain
- Past history, if any: Nil

Chest X-ray dated 27.12.1994

CT Scan of thorax dated 09.01.1995

Chest X-ray dated 09.01.1995

Chest X-ray dated 24.03.1995

Picture of Histopathology Slide
Banerji Protocol
1. Kali Carbonicum 200c, 2 drops thrice in a week
2. Ferrum Phosphoricum 3X, 2 tablets, twice daily

Chest X-ray dated 19. 12.1998
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Lung Cancer
Patient Information
- Name: SM
- Age: 50 years
- Duration of illness: 1 month
- Date of first visit: 24.04.2003
- Chief complaints: Rt. Chest pain with cough, loss of appetite.
- Past history, if any: Nil

Chest X-ray dated 17.04.2003
Banerji Protocol advised:
1. Kali Carbonicum 200c, 2 drops twice in a week
2. Thuja Occ. 30c, two doses daily
3. Hepar Sulph 200c, two doses daily

Chest X-ray dated 30.10.2003

Chest X-ray dated 29.04.2009
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Lung Cancer
Patient Information
- Name: NK
- Age: 79 years
- Duration of illness: 2 months
- Date of first visit: 24.06.2008
- Chief complaints: Dyspnoea, decrease in appetite, weakness
- Past history, if any: Nil

C.T. Scan of Thorax dated 11.06.2008

Chest X-ray dated 12.06.2008

Picture of Histopathology
Banerji Protocols advised:
1. Kali Carbonicum 200c, one dose alternate morning
2. Silicea 30c,
3. Lycopodium Clavat 30c one dose every three hours alternately with Silicea 30c.
4. Ferrum Phos 3X + Magnesia Phos 3X two doses daily.
After 2 months we have add Thuja Occ. 30c two doses daily.

Chest X-ray dated 21.08.2008

Chest X-ray dated 13.01.2009

Chest X-ray dated 13.10.2009
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Lung Cancer