Brain Tumor/Cancer
Mr. B.S. male aged about 26 years in May 2001, was suffering for 3 months with headache, weakness, pain and numb feeling in the right side of the body when he came to us for his treatment on the 23rd of May 2001.
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Brain Tumor/Cancer
PB aged about 13 yrs as on April 2007. He was brought to us on 10th of April 2007, and presented with headache on & off on left side, occasional nausea, gradual dimness of vision in both eyes, cervical pain for last 2 months.
As per his initial observations, MRI of Brain done on 27th March 2007 showed, '…Hypodense nodular enhancing lesion with perifocal oedema in right parietal parafalcine region. - ? Neoplastic lesion (Glioma ) ? Granulomatus lesion (Tuberculoma) …'
Stereotactic biopsy done on 4th of April 2007, '…Neoplastic Lesion – Glioma'.
After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Ruta 6c, two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X, two doses a day & Lycopodium Clavat 30c, two doses daily for edema all his clinical symptoms recovered within 4-5 months.
CT scan of Brain (plain and IV contrast) done on 2nd November 2007 shows, '…CECT Scan of brain is within normal limits. …'
Then we reduced the doses and stop the medicines after 6 months.
Now patient is leading a trouble free, normal life without any medication.
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Brain Tumor/Cancer
Mrs. A.B. aged, 18 years on July 2008 came to us on 11th July, 2008 and presented with Headache, Backache & Convulsion since 8 months.
C.T. Scan of Brain done on 30th June, 2008 showed '…Left Parietal Lobe Sol (3.6 X 2.5) Cm with Oedema and mass effects - Glioma '.
Stereotactic biopsy done on the 5th of July 2008… showed '…Glioblastoma multiforme.”
Now the patient is living her normal, trouble free daily life with our medicines.
C.T. Scan of Brain (Plain & Contrast Study) done on 13th of July 2010 shows ' ... disappearance of the SOL…'
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Brain Tumor/Cancer
RK 2 years old baby, came to us on the 18th of December 2013 and presented with Breathlessness, Gait/walking abnormalities since 2 months.
MRI of Brain done on the 2nd of December 2013 showed 'Peripherally enhancing mass (10 x 10 x 11) mm in brain – stem with mild mass effect over 4th ventricle. Brain – Stem Glioma'.
After undergoing treatment from us his all clinical symptoms were gone within 3-4 months.
Follow up MRI of brain done on 18th of February 2015 showed '…Brain Shows No Abnormality. On Comparison With Previous MRI Dated 02.12.2013, Complete Resolution of The Lesion in Pons And Medulla Are Noted – Suggesting Complete Response To Therapy.'
The patient is now living normal life without our any medication.
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Brain Tumor/Cancer
NQ aged 75 years old women came to us on the 30th September 2016 and presented with Headache, Vertigo and Weakness of left side of the body and limbs; since 3 months.
MRI and MR Spectroscopy of Brain done on the 2nd of September 2016 showed '…a large enhance lesion at right fronto parietal lobular region with perifocal edema and mass effect ....High grade Glioma …'
After undergoing treatment from us, her all clinical symptoms were gone within 2-3 months. Now patient is leading a trouble free, normal life with our medication in reduced doses.
MRI and MR Spectroscopy of Brain done on the 24th February 2017 showed "…As compared to previous MRI of Brain done on, 02.09.2016 the lession has resolved. No acute abnormality in the current scan …'
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Brain Tumor/Cancer
Md H. 12 years aged young boy came to our clinic on 16th of December 2008 with the complaints of seizures and headache off and on with haziness of vision, started since last 2 months.

MRI of BRAIN done on dated 4th of December 2008:- Nodular lesion with perifocal oedema in right sup parietal region ? Tuberculoma. Astrocytoma.

Stereotactic biopsy done on 10th of December 2008 showed "…High grade neoplasm ... Glioma..."
After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Ruta 6c, two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X, two doses a day, and Lycopodium 30c two doses daily for edema, all his clinical symptoms recovered within 6-7 months. Now the patient is leading a trouble free, normal life but he still continuing his medication in reduced doses.
Follow up M.R.I. of Brain done on dated 10th of January 2013: --"within normal limit."

- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Brain Tumor/Cancer
A Brain tumor occurs when there is an abnormal proliferation of cells, know as Neoplasm, in the brain. A brain tumor can be benign or malignant (cancerous), and they are not invariably fatal. However, all brain tumors are life -threatening, as they invade the limited space of the intracranial cavity. Symptoms of brain tumor include headache, vomiting, somnolence, hypertensions. There can also be cognitive impairment. The patient may face memory loss, impaired taste and aural senses, visual problems. They may also be attacked with epileptic seizures and abnormal fatigue.
We have very effective treatment protocol for brain tumors/brain cancer. This treatment form is being used in more than 80 countries.
Different types of Brain Tumor/Cancer
A tumor that arises from the glial cells in brain or spine is known as glioma. A Glioma can be benign or malignant. Symptoms include headache, nausea, vomiting and seizure. Cranial nerve disorder can also happen.
A highly malignant brain tumor that occurs in the cerebellum is known as meduloblastoma. Symptoms include morning headache, dizziness, facial sensory loss, motor weakness and repeated vomiting.
Meningioma is also a common brain tumor that arises within the meninges. These tumors are generally benign, but they can often be malignant. Focal seizure, spastic weakness in legs and increased intracranial pressure are symptoms of Meningioma.
Among those who were on the Banerji Protocol without any other treatment, 7% of the cases were completely cured with our therapy. 60% were improved, 22% achieved status quo, and 11% were worse or expired. Mean follow-up time was 23 months.
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Brain Tumor/Cancer
Patient Information
AA aged 60 years, male, came to us on the 3rd of August 2004 and presented with gradual weakness of the left side of the body and limbs; Sleeplessness; Irritable and easy to anger since 2 months.
Before coming to us as per his initial observations:Stereotactic biopsy done on the 29th of July 2004… from right internal capsule showed "…High grade neoplasm ... Glioma."
C.M.C. Hospital Vellore’s report dated the 29th of July 2004 showed “…Suggestive of Corpus callosum and right parietal periventricular high grade Glial Neoplasm”

After undergoing treatment from us his all clinical symptoms were gone within 7-8 months. Then reduced the doses and stopped the medicines after 1 year.
Now patient is leading a trouble free, normal life without any medication.
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Brain Tumor/Cancer
Patient Information
Baby KK (baby of BK), male, aged only 11 days on the 4th of October 2004. He presented with unusual increment in size of head noticed for a few days with unnatural behavior of the child.
As per his initial observations, C.T. Scan of Brain done on 22nd September 2004 showed, "…CT Findings are suggestive of hemorrhage (approx 30ml) in midline posterior fossa with hydrocephalus. Tentorial Sub Dural Hemorrhage and Sub Arachnoid Hemorrhage is there also…"
MRI of brain done on 27th of September, 2004 showed "…Cerebellar vermiar hemorrhagic SOL with obstructive hydrocephalus...Meduloblastoma..."

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 22.09.2004
After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Ruta 6c, two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X, two doses a day & Lycopodium Clavat 30c, two doses daily for hydrocephalus. All his clinical symptoms recovered within 4-5 months.

MRI of Brain dated 27.09.2004
His gradual increasing trouble was checked with our homeopathic medication and follow up CT scan of Brain (plain and contrast) done on 8th May 2008 shows, “…IMPRESSION: CT scan in this follow up case of posterior fossa hematoma now show of focal atrophy in that region. No mass lesion is evident…”

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 08.05.2008
The baby is now 5 years+ showing normal daily activities and still continuing our medication in reduced doses.
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Brain Tumor/Cancer
Patient Information
50 years middle aged gentle man came to us on 27.09.2003 presented with Pain & progressive weakness whole of the left side; left facial palsy; headache since last three weeks.

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 24.09.2003
As per his initial observations, C.T.Scan of Brain done on 24.09.2003 shows "…Rounded isodense well outlined lesion at subcortical area of parietal lobe with marked perilesional edema showing compression on right lateral ventricle & right sylvian fissure- meningioma".
Gradually all his clinical symptoms has gone within two years of our medication, at present he has no pain in left side & no headache is there with gradual improvement of left sided weakness and left facial palsy. During his treatment Follow up C.T. Scan of Brain (Plain & Contrast Study) done on dated 06.09.2005 shows ….. " Normal CT scan of brain."

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 06.09.2005
Now again the patient is enjoying his trouble free normal daily life without any medication.
- Parent Category: Case Studies
- Category: Brain Tumor/Cancer